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Barnett et a I. BMC Dermatology 201 2, 1 2:1 5 
http://www.biomedcentral.eom/1 471-5945/1 2/1 5 



Effectiveness of isopropyl myristate/ 
cyclomethicone D5 solution of removing cuticular 
hydrocarbons from human head lice {Pediculus 
humanus capitis) 

Eric Barnett 1 " Kathleen G Palma 1 , Bert Clayton 1 and Timothy Ballard 2 


Background: In the treatment of human head lice infestation, healthcare providers are increasingly concerned 
about lice becoming resistant to existing pesticide treatments. Traditional pesticides, used to control these pests, 
have a neurological mechanism of action. This publication describes a topical solution with a non-traditional 
mechanism of action, based on physical disruption of the wax layer that covers the cuticle of the louse exoskeleton. 
This topical solution has been shown clinically to cure 82% of patients with only a 10-minute treatment time, 
repeated once after 7 days. All insects, including human head lice, have a wax-covered exoskeleton. This wax, 
composed of hydrocarbons, provides the insect with protection against water loss and is therefore critical to its 
survival. When the protective wax is disrupted, water loss becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, leading to 
dehydration and death. A specific pattern of hydrocarbons has been found in all of the head louse cuticular wax 
studied. Iso-octane effectively removes these hydrocarbons from human head lice's cuticular wax. 

Methods: A method of head louse cuticle wax extraction and analysis by gas chromatography was developed. 
Human head lice {Pediculus humanus capitis) were collected from infested patients and subjected to any of three 
extraction solvents comprising either the test product or one of two solvents introduced as controls. A gas 
chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization detector (GC/FID) was used to determine the presence of 
hydrocarbons in the three head lice extracts. 

Results: In the study reported herein, the test product isopropyl myristate/cyclomethicone D5 (IPM/D5) was shown 
to perform comparably with iso-octane, effectively extracting the target hydrocarbons from the cuticular wax that 
coats the human head louse exoskeleton. 

Conclusions: Disruption of the integrity of the insect cuticle by removal of specific hydrocarbons found in the 
cuticular wax appears to offer a mechanism for killing lice without the likelihood of encountering genetic 

Keywords: Non-pesticidal, Head lice, Therapy, Treatment, Resistance, Permethrin, Pyrethroid, Isopropyl myristate, 
Cyclomethicone D5, Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane 

* Correspondence: 

1 Piedmont Pharmaceuticals, Greensboro, NC, USA 

Full list of author information is available at the end of the article 

O© 2012 Barnett et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative 
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http://www.biomedcentral.eom/1 471-5945/1 2/1 5 

Page 2 of 5 


Head lice a global issue 

Head lice infestation is a fairly common problem glo- 
bally, with 6-12 million cases in children ages 3-11 
reported annually in the US alone [1], and is typically 
observed in the school-aged population. Infestation is 
transmitted most commonly by physical head-to-head 
contact, but also by sharing hats, hairbrushes, head- 
bands, or clothing. 

Insect exoskeleton-based cuticular hydrocarbons are 

Head lice, like all insects, have a protective waxy cover- 
ing on the epicuticle (outer layer of the cuticle on their 
exoskeletons) that acts as waterproofing for the insect. 
Therefore, without the wax, the insect is vulnerable to 
uncontrollable dehydration, and death. These cuticular 
lipids are composed of various hydrocarbons whose pat- 
terns vary by insect [2]. 

A challenge to cure 

Head lice infestations can be difficult to cure completely, 
and typically require multiple treatments. Some products 
may act by suffocation of the insects; these may require 
up to an 8 hour application time. However with add- 
itional changes made to the suffocant formulation the 
8 hour treatment can be decreased substantially. Eggs 
(nits) are attached to the hair with protein 'glue' which 
makes the eggs difficult to remove. Even after treatment, 
viable eggs may hatch and young nymphs emerge. Iso- 
propyl myristate (IPM) and cyclomethicone D5 do not 
have an effect on egg development. Only after the oper- 
culum (the opening the nymphal louse emerges from) 
begins to open (4-5 days) can the IPM and cyclomethi- 
cone D5 come in contact with the nymph inside. Once 
the nymph is exposed to the formulation, the nymph 
will die whether it has emerged from the egg or not. 

Pesticide therapies 

Some medical practitioners recommend pesticide treat- 
ments containing permethrin, pyrethrin, or malathion. 
These therapies have been the first line of treatment for 
head lice since World War II. Today more interest is 
being placed on treatments that are alternatives to con- 
ventional pesticides with different modes of action. 
These new therapies are unlikely to allow development 
of resistance in the head louse population. 

Increasing resistance to pesticides 

Of particular concern, is the growing body of evidence 
suggesting a global emergence in head lice of significant 
resistance to pesticide products containing permethrins 
and pyrethroids. Marcoux et al. reported that the wide- 
spread use of pyrethrins and pyrethroids have led to 

significant resistance across various countries including 
Canada, Argentina, Australia, the United Kingdom, the 
United States, Japan, Korea, and Israel. This resistance 
results in prolonged infestations, reinfestation and safety 
concerns resulting from overdosing with a treatment 
therapy. Resistance factors associated with insensitivity 
to DDT, pyrethrins and pyrethroids were found by Mar- 
coux to be present in 97% of head lice collected from 
several Canadian cities [3]. 

Chemistry of Isopropyl Myristate/Cyclomethicone D5 

Isopropyl myristate/cyclomethicone D5, is a topical for- 
mulation containing 50/50 w/w Isopropyl myristate/dec- 
amethylcyclopentasiloxane. Isopropyl myristate, with the 
chemical formula CH 3 (CH 2 ) 12 COOCH (CH 3 ) 2 [4], is an 
ester of myristic acid, an essential fatty acid derived from 
palm kernel oil and isopropyl alcohol. IPM is used to 
dissolve lanolin and other oils, and is commonly used as 
a degreasant or softener in sunscreens, face creams and 
lipsticks. Due to its probable physical mechanism of ac- 
tion (dissolution of the waxy cuticular covering found 
on the louse exoskeleton), head louse resistance is not 
expected to develop against isopropyl myristate [3]. Dec- 
amethylcyclopentasiloxane (cyclomethicone D5), with 
the chemical formula cyclo- (Me 2 SiO) 5 [5] is a spreading 
agent commonly used in cosmetics, that helps the iso- 
propyl myristate to thoroughly coat the hair. Some adul- 
ticide activity has been noted in laboratory studies at 
concentrations higher than 50%. Cyclomethicone D5, 
which is used extensively as an excipient, can be found 
in some head lice treatments in concentrations as high 
as 96%. 

About this study 

This study was conducted in an attempt to investigate 
the mechanism by which IPM/D5 is able to kill head lice 
after 10 minutes contact. It is well understood that in- 
sect dehydration can kill quickly, and it was expected 
that IPM/D5 was acting via a physical mechanism to dis- 
rupt the protective waxy coating on the louse exoskel- 
eton. This study investigates this possible mechanism of 
action by specifically determining the removal efficiency 
of head louse cuticular hydrocarbons using a 50/50 w/w 
mixture of isopropyl myristate/cyclomethicone D5. 


A method of head louse cuticle wax extraction and ana- 
lysis by gas chromatography was initially developed by 
CW Scherer [2]. This methodology was scaled up 10- 
fold, using 10 lice per sample (instead of 1 louse) and 80 
uL extraction solvent instead of 8 uL. Work was con- 
ducted at En-Cas Analytical Laboratories of Winston- 
Salem, North Carolina, USA. 

Barnett et a I. BMC Dermatology 201 2, 1 2:1 5 
http://www.biomedcentral.eom/1 471-5945/1 2/1 5 

Page 3 of 5 


Human head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) used in 
this work were received as untreated live head lice col- 
lected from infested patients and shipped the day of col- 
lection at room temperature conditions. Head lice were 
stored refrigerated for several hours prior to testing. 
Three different extraction solvents were used: 

• 50/50 w/w isopropyl myristate/ 
decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (cyclomethicone D5) 
- (IPM/D5)-subject product 

• Iso-octane - a laboratory determined optimal 
extraction solvent for hydrocarbons 

• 50/50 methanol/water - control 

Sample preparation 

Ten head lice (per sample) were transferred individually 
with tweezers to clean empty 350- uL glass GC vial 
inserts. Specimens were covered with 80 uL of any of 
the three extraction solvents then allowed to incubate at 
room temperature for 10 minutes. The samples were 
then mixed by aspiration. Solvent samples containing 
the extracted lice cuticle hydrocarbons (CHCs) were 
transferred to a new unused insert contained in a 2-mL 
crimp top vial which was subsequently sealed and held 
for later analysis. 

Gas chromatography 

A gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization 
detector (GC/FID) was used to determine the presence 
of hydrocarbons in the three head lice extracts. A 

standard containing a series of known hydrocarbons 
(C21-40) was used for qualitative sample comparison. 


In his dissertation, Scherer reported four specific hydro- 
carbons present in significant amounts in every head 
louse sample he studied [2]. These four hydrocarbons 
represent approximately 50% of the cuticle hydrocarbons 
of head lice, and had retention time indices (RI) of 2500, 
2700, 2900 and 3075. 

The peaks that corresponded to the four retention 
time indices attributed to the head louse by Scherer 
were integrated and compared qualitatively to the alkane 

The alkane calibration mixture, when run by GC, pro- 
duced a chromatogram with regular peaks correlating 
with each respective component. The retention time in- 
dices for the four specific hydrocarbons of interest were 
2500, 2700, 2900 and 3075. 

The baseline experiment, comparing the chromato- 
gram of the scaled-up iso-octane extraction (10 lice in 
80 uL iso-octane) correlated very well with the analo- 
gous chromatogram published by Scherer. As expected, 
the main peaks observed for this sample had retention 
time indices of 2500, 2700, 2900 and 3075. 

In a control experiment, 10 head lice were co- 
extracted by immersion with 50/50 methanol: water. 
This 50/50 methanol: water solution was found visually 
to provide entire wetting of the head louse. However, the 
chromatogram produced from the analysis of the aque- 
ous methanol extract showed a complete lack of CHC 
removal efficiency. 

Figure 1 Gas Chromatogram demonstrating head lice epicuticle hydrocarbon extraction efficiency of isopropyl myristate/ 
cyclomethicone D5 vs. iso-octane (offset for visualization purposes). 

Barnett et a I. BMC Dermatology 201 2, 1 2:1 5 
http://www.biomedcentral.eom/1 471-5945/1 2/1 5 

Page 4 of 5 

As seen in the gas chromatogram overlay (Figure 1), 
Isopropyl myristate/cyclomethicone D5 (IPM/D5) had 
equivalent efficacy extracting the four target hydrocar- 
bons from the lice cuticular wax as iso-octane. The IPM/ 
D5 (isopropyl myristate/cyclomethicone D5) (red) chro- 
matogram is artificially shifted to the right, offset for 
visualization purposes, because the four peaks of inter- 
est were virtually identical in peak shape and height to 
those in the iso-octane chromatogram. 


The study reported here was conducted to investigate 
the mechanism of action of IPM/D5, focusing on the po- 
tential role of IPM/D5 in physically disrupting the integ- 
rity of the head louse body's outermost protection 
against dehydration. The cuticular wax that covers the 
exoskeleton of insects is vital in protecting them against 
dehydration and death. The wax layer of the epicuticle 
(outer layer) is composed of a matrix of hydrocarbons, 
and four specific hydrocarbons identified to be consist- 
ent among head lice by Scherer were selected for study 
in this work. 

Isopropyl myristate/decamethylcyclopentasiloxane 
(IPM/D5) is a colorless, odorless solution. It was theo- 
rized that the mechanism of action for this solution 
involved disruption of the protective waxy coating cov- 
ering the louse exoskeleton, leading to uncontrollable 
dehydration, and death. 

It is known that suffocation of head lice is a slow 
process and can take up to 8 hours or more. Isopropyl 
myristate/cyclomethicone D5 has been shown clinically 
to have an 82% cure rate after two 10-minute treatments 
(one week apart) and therefore, suffocation is not a likely 
mechanism of action. 

In this study gas chromatography was used to compare 
the hydrocarbon extraction efficiency of isopropyl myris- 
tate/cyclomethicone D5 with that of iso-octane as a con- 
trol reference. Hydrocarbons specific to the waxy layer 
of the epicuticle of head lice were evaluated. This study 
showed that isopropyl myristate/cyclomethicone D5 ef- 
fectively extracted the target hydrocarbons. Therefore, 
we deduce that the fast acting mechanism of action seen 
with IPM/D5 is via epicuticular hydrocarbon extraction, 
resulting in disruption of the waxy layer of the cuticle, 
followed by rapid water loss and death by dehydration. 

Overcoming resistance 

These data support why a treatment with a physical 
mode of action, such as isopropyl myristate/cyclomethi- 
cone D5, can be comparable to a traditional pesticide. 
Pesticides, however, as evidenced in recent clinical trials, 
are increasingly facing issues of resistance globally. Bur- 
gess reported from a UK clinical study investigating 
IPM/D5 vs. 1% permethrin that IPM/D5 had 82% cure 

rate whereas the permethrin had only a 19% cure rate 
[6]. The development of resistance to pesticides such as 
permethrin is well documented [3] . 


Isopropyl myristate/cyclomethicone D5 (IPM/D5) ex- 
tracted the same specific cuticular wax hydrocarbons as 
those identified by Scherer to be critical to the survival 
of the head louse, therefore it can be deduced that IPM/ 
D5 acts by a physical mode of action to kill head lice via 
disruption of the protective wax coating resulting in 
rapid dehydration. These data, combined with clinical 
study data support an explanation of the mechanism of 
action by dehydration, not suffocation. 

Isopropyl myristate/cyclomethicone D5 is a colorless, 
odorless formulation that kills human head lice within 
10 minutes by employing a physical mechanism of ac- 
tion that would not likely be subject to resistance. This 
formulation could be considered as a viable alternative 
to conventional pesticides. 


DDT: Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; FDA: Food and Drug Administration; 
GC: Gas Chromatograph; GC/FID: Gas Chromatograph equipped with a 
Flame Ionization Detector; IPM/D5: Isopropyl Myristate/cyclomethicone D5; 
MHRA: Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency; Rl: Retention 
Index; w/w: By Weight (to describe concentration in solution) 

Competing interests 

Piedmont Pharmaceuticals sponsored the study. Eric Barnett (EB) and 
Bert Clayton (BC) are employees of Piedmont Pharmaceuticals, the 
company that developed the non-pesticidal human head lice treatment 
composed of Isopropyl myristate/cyclomethicone D5 discussed in this 
paper. Kathleen Palma (KP) is a paid consultant of Piedmont 
Pharmaceuticals. This solution is marketed as Full Marks™ Solution by 
Reckitt Benckiser in certain European countries, Australia and Russia; as 
Resultz® by Medical Futures in Canada, Takeda in Belgium, and Lapidot 
in Israel. Tim Ballard (TB) of En-Cas Analytical Laboratories was paid on a 
fee for service basis to conduct the laboratory work, and does not have 
a competing interest. 

Authors' contributions 

KP designed the study and gave final approval to the publication. EB 
managed the overall research project and edited the publication. BC 
supervised the technical analysis. TB carried out the technical analysis. All 
authors read and approved the final manuscript. 

Authors' information 

Kathleen Palma is a PhD entomologist with over 20 years of experience in 
developing parasitology medicines for the pharmaceutical industry. Dr Palma 
is a co-inventor of the subject product. 


We would like to acknowledge Kathy Meserve, President of Sequoia 
Research, Inc. of North Carolina, who provided medical writing services on 
behalf of Piedmont Pharmaceuticals, LLC. 

We would also like to acknowledge CW Scherer, whose analytical 
method developed at the University of Florida was used to 
demonstrate the mechanism of action of the head lice treatment 
discussed in our paper. 

Author details 

1 Piedmont Pharmaceuticals, Greensboro, NC, USA. 2 En-Cas Analytical 
Laboratories, Winston-Salem, NC, USA. 

Barnett et a I. BMC Dermatology 201 2, 1 2:1 5 
http://www.biomedcentral.eom/1 471-5945/1 2/1 5 

Page 5 of 5 

Received: 25 January 2012 Accepted: 29 August 2012 
Published: 3 September 2012 


1 . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Parasites/Lice/Head Lice. 

2. Scherer CW: School Integrated Pest Management with Emphasis on Biology 
and Control of the Human Head Louse, Pediculus capitis De Geer. Chapter 3: 
Separation of the Body Louse and the Head Louse through Analysis of 
Cuticular Hydrocarbons. PhD thesis: University of Florida; 2001. 

3. Marcoux D, Palma KG, Kaul N, Hodgdon H, Van Geest A, Previte DJ, Abou- 
Elghar GE, Yoon KS, Clark JM: Pyrethroid Pediculicide Resistance of Head 
Lice in Canada Evaluated by Serial Invasive Signal Amplification 
Reaction. J Cutan Med Surg 2010, 14(3):1 15-1 18. 

4. Isopropyl Myristate (IPM). 

5. Wikipedia: Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane. 

6. Burgess IF, Lee PN, Brown CM: Randomised, controlled, parallel group 
clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy of isopropyl myristate/ 
cyclomethicone solution against head lice. Pharm J 2008, 280:371-375. 

doi:1 0.1 1 86/1 471-5945-1 2-1 5 

Cite this article as: Barnett et al.\ Effectiveness of isopropyl myristate/ 
cyclomethicone D5 solution of removing cuticular hydrocarbons from 
human head lice {Pediculus humanus capitis). BMC Dermatology 2012 

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